Post-Party Clearing and Cleaning Tips from Professional Party Planners

Hosting a party, whether simple or lavish, can be both joy and nuisance. Many image002party throwers are too caught up with pre-planning activities from conceptualizing a theme, sending out the invites, preparing the menu and party favors to entertaining guests. In the frenzy of things, there is the tendency to overlook the fact that the party does not end when the last guest leaves the venue. There remains a big bulk of work called after-party clearing and cleaning to reckon with.

Save yourself the drudgery and stress of cleaning up after a large meal by including this equally important task in your party planning. By planning and using these time-tested tips, you can be sure all the works involved become lighter and faster to accomplish.

image003Store leftover food items in disposable plastic platters and bowls – Get these disposable catering supplies from your online source of party essentials. Segregate each food item in different containers to be given as parting treat to friends and relatives. There are several advantages in using these materials, including the convenience in storing them in the refrigerator, recycling them many times over, and saving your worry about them being returned or not.

Designate people with tasks – If there’s no budget to hire helpers, consider what family and friends can provide in helping with the post-party activity. Assign each one with a clean-up chore, like dishwashing, trash disposal, or storing food items.

Clean as you go – Wash cooking implements immediately after using them. Always run soapy water and rinse used dishes stacked in the sink to reduce the number of dishes to be washed when the party is over. Wipe counters and image006surfaces, and remove unnecessary clutter to keep them clean. This easily helps in creating a cleaner look in the area and takes away much of the mess. The only mess to manage is the dishes left sitting on the table while the massive bulk is already clean and kept in their proper storing place.

Plan a cleaning routine – Organize a system that can make clearing and cleaning efficiently faster. Create a system of collecting dirty dishes onto large trays. Allot specific area where segregated dishes, silverware, and glasses go. Provide a dumping bin for food scraps and leftover drinks. Design the flow of human traffic in and out of the kitchen in such a way incidence of bumping or slipping is greatly reduced. Have a large supply of garbage bags to contain disposable party supplies after each use. If you’re using disposable taffeta plastic table covers, recycle them into garbage bags. Simply cut the table cover into desired size and place all the clutter in the middle. Gather all four corners then secure with table cover clips to prevent the contents from spilling out.

Start cleanup in partial proportion – Tackle the cleaning job in small steps. Set on doing post-party cleaning even while the party is going on. Begin scraping leftover food on dishes, leave them soak in water to remove stain and grease, clear tables, and wash dishes even while the guest have not yet left. Hold new dishes or desserts from being served until the tables, counters, and kitchen surfaces are clean. This can motivate family members and guests to clean their own mess when they know the treats will be served once the table has been cleared.

Use efficient appliances – While there are various hands to provide help, work becomes easy and faster if you can use modern appliances like dishwasher and dish dryer. Both of these equipment is an excellent time-saver that can lessen your image007work by half compared to manual scrubbing, soaping, draining, and wiping dishes. It allows you to relax and enjoy the company of friends than spending time doing works in the kitchen.

Keep the atmosphere fun and light – While clearing and cleaning after a large meal is not at all fun, lighten up the mood by playing joyful music, sharing jokes, and complimenting your helpers for a job well done. Provide a relaxing environment by allowing candles or tea lights to waft scent and create an atmosphere that match the main party area.

Use these tips for clearing and cleaning after a large meal to allow you to enjoy the company of your family and friends while indulging on delicious food.

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